Cash App (UK)

UPDATE – Uk version utterly broken by restrictions as of June 2023. Useless

Load via GooglePlay*

Code sent to phone

Enter Debit Card for your bank, plus post code

Enter Legal Name

Choose a Cashtag

You can now send and receive money.

I suspect that the above information is enough for them to do basic “is this a real person KYC” as they have your bank account info (via the card, because it’s a debit card) and post code (which, with real name, ties to bank and probably electoral roll).

Exploring the app

Broken Square Icon : for taking photos of QR codes. Will want camera turned on.

Portrait Icon : Settings

Personal : Lists Cashtag, phone number and Country

Support : wants me to complete my profile – it wants my address and would like an email, and allows more phone numbers. I haven’t. Don’t know if it will insist.

Privacy and Security : –

Security Lock : OFF, but from reading, you might need to turn it on to send / spend money, or BTC etc. It’s good security anyway as otherwise anyone who gets access to your phone can steal your money. I think default is off as it uses thumbprints and FaceID on phones with those.

When you set it, if you haven’t supplied an email address, it will request one as it needs to send a confirmation code. : Allow others to find me… Default is YES. So that’s a NO from me. If I want someone to have my £Cashtag, I’ll give it to them.

Incoming Requests : Defaults to YES. Fair enough. Even if you think you’ll stick to using it as a collections only tool, time will come when you want to send, eg BTC for a service.

Allow All / Contacts Only : This is a toggle for who can send you Requests. Defaults to All. Probably set at Contacts Only.

Close the section, back to Main Screen – the £0 one.

House Icon : Bottom left

Limits : Send : £1,500pw. Receive £10,000pw. Max Balance £10,000

Linked Banks : Shows the card use on setup. Allows more to be added.


Routing codes are mentioned for faster payment. No sign of them, so I suspect this might be on the US app. US banking services are very slow, with transfers taking days!

Fake Names : Articles say you can create a Cash App using a false name and not linked to a bank account, however, such accounts are very limited on transfers and seem to raise huge flags for money laundering etc so are likely to be killed at any time. And, I guess you’ll lose your money because you can’t prove it was yours. Also, the USA version is different, so this might be one of those things, if you can’t make it work. Anyway, if you get it to work, you’ll need to keep stripping funds out, and if you get cancelled, probably start with a new phone number, maybe a new device. ALSO the verified account you keep cashing out to might be noticed and investigated.

Bitcoin cannot be purchased on the Uk version of CashApp. The US version has a Home Page icon, so I guess when we get the icon, we’ll be able to use it.

* For those who would rather avoid Google, I haven’t tried side loading. And the Huawei App Gallery doesn’t have it available.