So I booked a provider, here’s how I did it

If you are interested in booking a provider, and are reading this, CONGRATS, you will now succeed, and have an excellent time.

Basically – read their stuff, follow their rules, if they screen, complete the screening, if they want a deposit, SEND IT!

I wanted a specialist service, from someone who had no idea who I was (our worlds are related, but not the same), and was probably bothered by many many time wasters. How to approach?

Twitter DM? But pretty sure they get loads. I get loads, mostly idiots, and I’m a bloke. So, DM likely to be missed.

Twitter @? Even worse. I run at 50-100 notifications a day, god alone knows what she gets.

She does have an email, but, fuck me spam filters are so lethal re anything sex related. So, not sure she’d see it.

Booming form? Didn’t see one.

She has a Ko-fi. BINGO 🙂

I sent her a bunch of coffees (about the value of a meal out), with a note to check her Twitter DM’s for a message from me, and if you’re not interested, enjoy the coffee.

Yes, I sent her unsolicited money. Why? To show her that I was serious. They say money talks, and it does.

A couple of days later I get a response.

She asks me to complete a form, lots of good questions about my motives, interests, what I wanted from the session (yes, like I said, specialist service).

She likes my responses, and we agree date and location.

I send a deposit.

A few days before the event, I send the balance.

The session goes very well indeed. I have a provider who knows that I take her seriously, respect her expertise, and so that is reciprocated.

Sceptics might say “but she might have been scamming!”. Mate, get real. If you send money to a hot girl with little or no posts apart from retweets of other girls, you deserve all you get. But anyone willing to create multi platform set ups with videos, and a multi year history, isn’t scamming you. If they have that skill set and want to scam, they’re faking up investment trading scams and getting multi thousands from each mark, not running away with booking deposits.

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