How you get blocked by platforms when you create a new account after being blocked/banned already

Lots of people have no idea about the technology that platforms have and are surprised when their new profiles also get blocked.

Platform systems can :-

Block your IP address : Not many do this as it tends to kill entire homes rather than the individual.

Have your IP address on a flag list : As above, but more common. If you get reported and your IP is already flagged, (because of a previous rule breach, real or imagined), banhammer.

Spot your VPN : Yep, all the popular VPN IP’s are known about. Most sites don’t block them, but any issues with a VPN using account, banhammer.

Detect that a VPN is being used : Can be done, but most commercial services don’t bother, as standard. They might look if they find you really annoying.

Profile your device : Basically stuff like exact build of browser plus other info about your setup. It’s called fingerprinting, because it really is that good.

Profile YOU : How and what you post. Frequency mapping. Is done by the bigger social media, but AFAIK only really used against people who have pissed them off by rejoining already and evading the IP and device fingerprinting.

Social Graph : Your connections and how you interact with them. Every time you set up anew and find your friends and followers, it looks very much the same as last time…. And you can’t fake it.

Jigsaw : First they check cookies, but you wiped those, then they try device fingerprinting, but, yours matches 1000 others, and then you add 5 contacts, and BINGO – that eliminates the other 999.

So, you get suspended and think, “fuck them, new account”. But you use the same device, on the same connections, and yep, it shows up.

Basically you need a new IP address, and possibly a new device. And a change of behavior. Assume you’re on borrowed time.

Use a NEW IP address. Ask your BB provider for one. They might say you get a random one anyway, which is sort of true, but might stick with you unless you log off for WEEKS. You might need to change supplier. Mobile : More complicated. Ask your phone company, don’t expect a clear answer, do maybe have to buy a new device with new SIM card and new phone number.

So, follow their rules, as actually exist – for example I see many women saying that they haven’t breached Insta, without realising that the rules they are breaching are not the detailed ones about tits and ass, but the vaguer one re “sexual solicitation” which essentially says, “the only reason you’re here is you are in the adult industry and want people to notice you, which is solicitation”.

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