Nostr : The SW safe Social Network with built in payment

What do we want?

We want a SW friendly social network that allows direct payments for our content, our DM’s, our cam shows and booking deposits.

When do we want it?


I have good news 🙂


On Nostr :-


YOU CAN be sent MONEY, direct, instantly, without banks or greedy platforms being involved.

YOU CAN sell your content

YOU CAN be open about your FSSW.

YOU CAN take deposits and even full payment.

YOU CANNOT be thrown out.

YOU CANNOT be shadow banned.

How it works:-

You have device software, called a Client, and they talk to the Relays, which are where all the info is stored. It’s like email, your email Client sends to MailServers that do the work.

Now this is the key bit, like email, no one is in charge, and that’s why you can do what you like and and no one can bin you.

Clients connect to many Relays, and when you post, it sends your post all those Relays.

At the same time, it says to each Relay, “I follow all these people, got anything new from them?” and copies across new stuff.

Get started with Nostr

Not giving loads of detail here as things are changing so fast.

Play with different clients, see which you like. TBH all can be a bit flakey at times, but this is all brand new. Essentially almost all since Jan 2023, and all are 1-2 developer passion projects, not big company crap. The main ones are :-

IOS Nostr Clients

Damus App.

Android Nostr Clients

Amethyst and Iris are probably the most popular at the moment

Web Nostr Clients and

GET STARTED – account creation, finding people

This video is the “onboarding” process for

It shows how to generate keys, edit your Relay list and start following people.

You start by Generating Keys. (There is no usual user/password. This is probably the weirdest thing about Nostr for new people, but you get used to it). Keep your PRIVATE aka Secret Key, well, secret. Your public key, aka pubkey, you can put everywhere. It helps people find you.

IMPORTANT – keep a copy of your keys somewhere safe. If you lose your keys, you lose your account and will have to start again. There is no Delete. There is also no password recovery email.

Join the Relay – I run it, and it’s for us. If you want free access, (you’re new, I get it, you haven’t sorted the money side yet), just ask, find me on

My public key pasted into the search should work perfectly –


but PaulJonesAIR should work too. In theory someone else could use the name PaulJonesAIR, but my pubkey is unique, as is yours.

Go to and create a wallet, so people can send you sats. Follow me, ask me, I’ll send some. Then you can send them back and see how fast an easy it is.

Go to and you can find if people you are on Twitter with, are also on Nostr.

Now the Special Stuff for Us.

My one tip is to join adult industry friendly relays and ONLY adult industry friendly relays. That way you can post freely.

If you join lots of “normal” relays, over time, once the relay owners start paying attention they’ll just block you, and that will lose you the followers that you reached via that relay.

IMO people who are serious about adult – buying, booking, actual fans etc, will join adult friendly relays.

THEN, have a second Nostr, safe for work, and use that the way everyone else does, to give yourself the “normal” Nostr experience. Best way – different devices, or different PC user account. Some Clients will allow account switching, but that has huge “accidentally posting the threesome where the family and boss is…” vibes.

*Soon. Watch this space.

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