First look @ New Platform Frejya
New adult friendly platform for Creators based London/Helsinki.
If you represent the platform, note that I’m writing this as I explore it for the first time. I might miss things, misunderstand things, by all means reach out to me. It’s also why this is very stream of consciousness…
Very sex positive board includes Samantha Bentley, Kiki Minaj, Misha Cross, Kloe Kane and Danielle Maye.
So, question 1 – can escorts etc use it to advertise?
“You may not use our site:
• In any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation.”
IMO that’s not a ban on being a creator who also (legally) escorts, but, given that they have credit card processing, it’s don’t talk about it and certainly don’t get into any booking type discussions. You can list a URL in your Bio. Serious people know how this works, and will reach out to you there.
Photos and Videos are moderated and consented
I haven’t yet worked my way through this, but it seems that NOTHING goes live until it’s been moderated. IMO this is how the CC rules should be implemented, and IS A GOOD THING.
The Consent thing, is, you can only post content with other people in it IF those people are on Freyja.
Your content library with IDs and Model Releases, cuts no ice. I can see their logic, but it does mean that right now, I can’t add ANY of my porn… (If you collabed with me, I’m on Freyja as Paul Jones).
I suppose I should ask all my collab partners to sign up to Freyja so I can get their consents. Ah, I see what they did there
Clear rules about what is banned content & very good Resources (esp for newbies)
The resources articles are clear, well written and cover all the usual areas of the business, from a performer creators POV.
Next, my journey through to becoming a Creator
Joined, went through Verification, which is straightforward. Even I managed, using my phone, and everyone knows I hate bloody phones…
Navigation – minor beef – one problem I had was that navigation took me to unexpected pages. Me? Them? No idea, but I just pressed profile and could usually get myself centered and try again.
Add a photo, a bio, a location and a URL. All straightforward.
To change – it’s edit profile or settings.
You get assigned a random type username, which you can change to something nicer. Though it looks like your Display Name is what everyone sees, so, it’s a vanity thing I guess.
Minor niggle – I can’t find any way to add a banner image. BLOODY HELL – there are no banner images! The system takes the profile image and uses it, in various crops, for everything. So, having the perfect profile image is definitely something to work on!
The three little dots – that seems to be key for creators.
It gives you access to a bunch of things but most critically, your Vault.
You can only post TEXT posts until you have loaded stuff – Images, Video, Advices and Sprints (need to explore what they are) to your Vault.
If you want to post pics and vids etc, you must FIRST upload them to your vault.
Then wait for them to be Moderated.
THEN they are available for posts.
Uploading Images
It asks for Collaborators to be tagged.
Solo stuff, no problem, no Collaborator.
Select Category – doesn’t produce a drop down or autofill list of categories. Is it a freeform tag list? Not sure.
I tried the search box on the front page, but that seems to be linked to finding Creators by name rather than content items.
So, right now, not sure what the Category does.
BG stuff – or anything with other people
Freyja guidelines say :-
Freyja guidelines are based on 4 overarching questions:
- Is the content on the red or amber list?
- Does the content shown cause temporary or permanent harm or injury?
- Is it illegal?
- Are any performers depicted that have not given consent via the Freyja platform?
How do I get my co-performers to give consent via the Freyja platform? You ask them to join Freyja, and when they do, you tag them as a collab and upload your content.
Seems to be as images, but you need a jpeg as well. Couldn’t test as all my content is BG…
Seems to be a strange word for freeform text posts, aka usually Blogs…anyway…
I typed “Stuff I did in the 90’s is still online. God I look young!” and it kept autodeleting. At first I thought I was hitting a character limit, but I changed the words and it passed.
I think they are autobanning words. This is something I hate. It doesn’t allow for context. It’s too blunt. Given that everything else in the vault is moderated, Advices should be moderated too, if they’re worried.
Advices don’t seem to get dropped in the TL, but stay on your Profile. So Post that you have added an Advice.
Not played with these, as have no solo content…
But, issues/confusions :-
My Advices didn’t hit the TL, so I did a Post about it, and that didn’t either.
I tried a new test post and that also, didn’t hit the TL. Is this a Moderation queue thing? Something else? An AI that spots “testing” type posts and winnows them? Unclear. (UPDATE, later that evening, the posts appeared in the TL, so, don’t panic, just wait a bit
It looks like the Vault is also on your Profile page, but it isn’t. Only the Vault items you have actually PUBLISHED will appear. And, if you add a Vault image to a Post, that is not counted as publishing the Vault item. This is actually a GOOD thing, because it means that while you might have loads of content in your Vault to use in Posts, only your select best shows up on your publish profile.
I like it.
Even though it’s a bit annoying the way they have limited consent to Freyja members, I can see the logic and benefits for production going forward. Just add, “get everyone to verify on Freyja” to the todo list at collabs along with certs, ID’s, releases….
There are some where seem to be loose ends, but I daresay these will become sorted over time.
That it isn’t American is a bonus – the legal/political system over there is too unpredictable for our industry.
Updates (stuff I noticed later as I used it)
Collabs : To be able to collab, you first of all need them to join and get through the verification process. Then, if you have their full URL, you can find them and Collab – they get a friend request and need to approve.
Search : Search seems to not work. If your friend says “I’ve joined” you can’t find them. But it does find people with content.