I LOVE doing collabs!
Anywhere in England and Wales.
Certed, face out, all the paperwork.
Bad Butler is my main character, but swinger, older guy, fan fuck etc all work for me 🙂
Bad Butler and His Lordship (@Mr_MobyDick)
We book and pay for the location.
Scene with each of us.
360 3D VR BTS video as well, so 4 scenes all in.

I come to you and your partner/friend films (or you in invite another performer)
If they are in the industry, I can film you with them also.
There is no requirement that I do a scene with them. I’m of an age where one scene is now my norm, though always happy aim for two. (Oh for the days I’d always do two, and often three, but hey ho).
I come to you, and we shoot a 360 3d POV
This is the style where all you see of the guy is the dick, and the girl plays to the camera. The idea is that the VR viewer feels he IS the guy.